martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

John Cena plays lego... again!!

This was the 2nd day,
At first they told us to build a new part for our robot, it was like an arm, and you could drag objects wherever you wanted. After some testing, they challenged us to make a circuit, you have to pick some boxes and leave them in the zone where you started from, it was really difficult, because we had to do a lot of programming and calculate everything was so hard, but finally we could finish it. Afterwards, they told us we had to program the robot to kick a ball and knock down some papers. The first thing we had to build the thing which kicked the ball, later we´ve programmed it but we didn´t have time to do it. We also thought some techniques to win the last day sumo competition, our robot John Cena will win, have you got any ideas for it?

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